travel nurse

Do You Have What It Takes to Be a Travel Nurse?

travel nurse

You have the clinical know-how, a license and the ambition to travel. But that’s not all it takes to be a successful travel nurse. There are a few crucial traits that you should possess in order to make your experience extraordinary. Do you have them?

  1. Are you adaptable?
    As a travel nurse you will encounter many new situations. Be able to keep an open mind, stay flexible and embrace the new experiences. An adaptable attitude will be vital to your success.
  2. Are you confident?
    When you first arrive on an assignment, you will need to be able to step in and perform tasks right away, without a large amount of training or instruction. This means you will have to be assertive and confident. What if you need help? You must also identify your learning needs and then be able to seek out the appropriate expertise without compromising your position.
  3. Are you organized?
    Starting new travel nursing assignments usually means dealing with paperwork in Human Resources and Credentialing. To make it easier, you will need to keep all of your important papers in an organizer or filing system of some kind. When possible, have a scanned file to allow easy access and ability to email to your recruiter.Develop a system to get your mail from home. You could arrange to have it forwarded or perhaps have a family member send it weekly. Who knows, maybe they’ll send you a little something extra!
  4. Are you friendly?
    Change in work environments while being the new kid on the block requires strong interpersonal skills and an outgoing personality. Everywhere you go you will meet people who want to share their experiences. In turn, you too can share your adventures. Be positive and seek out those who are also positive.
  5. Are you eager?
    Having excitement about learning new skills and gaining more knowledge will help you be successful and enjoy your travel nursing career. There are thousands of places you can go.

Where’s your next stop?